Singing Guide: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Singing Guide: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is one of the best-selling fighting video games globally, characterized by iconic characters, fantastic battles, and an impressive soundtrack featuring a mixture of classic tunes and new ones. Many of us have attempted to reproduce these unforgettable songs at home, either singing along or humming the tunes. If you want to learn how to sing like your favorite Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters, this article will help you understand the basics, develop your vocal skills, and guide you through practice exercises to improve your singing abilities.

Understanding The Vocal Techniques of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Characters

Each character of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has its unique personality, representing different voice types and styles in the game’s soundtrack. To sing like a character means identifying the best way to imitate their vocal technique. Learning the lyrics is not enough. You need to understand the specific pitch, tone, vibrato, and breath control to achieve a complete imitation.

For example, the soundtrack of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate includes music that mirrors the styles of Belmont, King K. Rool, Ganondorf, and many more characters. As you develop the appropriate vocal techniques to mimic characteristic songs from each character, you'll discover how to control your voice and perform at its best.

Practicing The Best Singing Techniques

Once you have identified the distinctive vocal technique of your favorite Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character, it's time to practice the specific techniques.

Here are some Singing Carrots resources that will help you enhance your vocal talents during the practice sessions:

  • Farinelli Breathing focuses on warming up the voice by practicing the right breathing techniques.
  • Learn about Open Mouth & Throat and how they are vital for a good vocal range.
  • For effective articulation and diction, try the Finger Bite exercise, which emphasizes the tongue's placement.
  • Singing with Vibrato is suitable for adding timbre to your voice and achieving a better sense of pitch.
  • Chest Voice Explained helps gain control over speaking and singing in a chesty voice.

Quick Tips For Singing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Songs

If you are looking for immediate improvements to your singing and karaoke performances, here are few essential tips to implement into your practice sessions:

  • To imitate the specific pitch of a character’s voice, try Vocal range test to determine the best-suited singing range for your voice.
  • Learn about Resonance in singing and how it affects the singing voice, especially in regards to achieving a nasal sound.
  • How to find your own authentic voice is a fantastic valuable article for uncovering your own unique voice and style.
  • When practicing, make use of tools like the Pitch accuracy test and the Vocal Pitch Monitor to boost your pitch accuracy and control.
  • Lastly, Avoiding constrictions and learning how to manage your 'vocal breaks' will help you achieve better breathing and the ability to hit high notes.


The ability to sing like a Super Smash Bros Ultimate character requires an understanding of the specific vocal techniques which characterizes each personality and a lot of practice. Once you have developed the right vocal control and understood the unique style of a character, you can take advantage of Singing Carrots' resources, tools, and tips to master your singing abilities. Remember that every good singer starts by practicing the basics. Happy singing

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.